Imelda Ruiz | Engineer Supervisor for Substation & Transmission Engineering at Colorado Springs Utilities


Imelda Ruiz

Engineer Supervisor for Substation & Transmission Engineering at Colorado Springs Utilities

INROADS was a game-changer for Imelda Ruiz, offering her hands-on experience in a field she was still exploring. This experience helped her solidify her desire to pursue a career as an engineer. As a first-generation student, the program's training proved invaluable for Imelda, addressing areas like resume building, interviewing skills, and professional etiquette—topics she had little to no prior exposure to.

"I really benefited from training that helped me understand how to navigate the professional world," said Imelda.

INROADS not only shaped her technical skills but also equipped her with the know-how to achieve success in corporate America. Imelda's journey as an INROADS participant influenced her commitment to making a positive impact in the lives of those around her. Believing in the transformative power of encouragement, she strives to uplift others, sharing positivity and encouragement in every interaction.