
Career Pathways is a program that builds the requisite skills and qualifications of collegiate students so that they are competitive and successful in internships and careers. Through a partnership with INROADS, Inc., a premier provider of college internships, Talladega College, Oakwood University, Tougaloo College and INROADS provide coaching sessions, leadership development training, resume advice, and interview preparation through mock interviews in order to equip students with soft skills and opportunities to be job-ready to excel in any career they pursue.

Students are introduced to seven (7) core leadership competencies, career pathway advice and their related skills that will be developed throughout the INROADS process. The seven core leadership competencies are:

  1. Communication: Clearly articulate thoughts and remove barriers to ideas through oral and written processes.
  2. Self-Management: Accomplish individual/organizational goals by focusing on self-development, asking for input, evaluating and recognizing superior performance, and being both an effective team member and partner.
  3. Business Sophistication/Acumen: Use personal skills, creativity, communication and understanding of the external marketplace to make decisions that are aligned with company’s vision and mission.
  4. Management Skills: Determine the right approaches to drive change, continuous improvement, team building, team leadership and problem solving, while using resources effectively to ensure ownership and accountability.
  5. Valuing Diversity: Respect the heritage/traditions of fellow workers, model and communicate the organizational values of the company, and embrace diversity and inclusion.
  6. Academic/Technical Skills: Master knowledge, behaviors and skills unique to a particular line of business, profession or academic area.
  7. Community Involvement and Servant Leadership: Build beneficial relationships by being an effective partner and positive influence – includes empowerment of self and others.
Candidate Eligibility Criteria Include:
  • Full-time college
  • Maintain a 3.0 GPA or above
  • Express an interest in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) or business related fields

Interested? Please complete the contact form below:

  • Accepted file types: doc, docx, rtf, pdf, Max. file size: 256 MB.
    Please attach your resume.
  • Accepted file types: jpg, png, pdf, doc, docx, rtf, gif, Max. file size: 256 MB.
    Please attach your most recent college transcript.