Marcos Vega | Senior Vice-President | Relationship Manager for BMO Bank


Marcos Vega

Senior Vice-President | Relationship Manager for BMO Bank

INROADS played a pivotal role in shaping Marcos Vega's career by instilling the essential skills needed for professional success.

"The staff and curriculum at INROADS set me up for a prosperous career by teaching me what it takes to be productive and successful in a corporate work environment," said Marcos. "The things I now take for granted, like how to dress, communicate, and network, were all part of the learning as an INROADS intern."

Marcos also carries the legacy of his grandparents, who came to the U.S. from Mexico with the dream of providing a better future for their children. "I was the first person in my family to graduate from college, and I was always inspired by my grandparent's work ethic and want to make the most of the sacrifices they made," said Marcos.

Observing his parents and grandparents while growing up laid the foundation for his role as a mentor and leader. Paying it forward to the next generation of first-time graduates is now a personal commitment for Vega.

"Mentoring, mock interviews, resume assistance, networking, and career advice are how I am helping shape the minds of future diverse leaders," said Marcos. "I would love for my son and daughter to grow up in a country where seeing diverse leadership in executive positions isn't such a rarity."