INROADS Training Evaluation Training Region:*Great LakesMid-AtlanticMidwestNew EnglandNew York/New JerseySouth CentralSoutheastWesternRegion in which you participated in training.Select your Fall 2020 Classification from the list below:*College FreshmanCollege SophomoreCollege JuniorNon-Graduating SeniorGraduating SeniorIs this your first INROADS Internship?* Yes No Please select training session you are evaluating:*Attitude of a LeaderBe Your Own BrandGrad SR - PresentationsGrad SR - Success PrinciplesNavigating Virtual InternshipsTeam Dynamics Absentee Case Study (Great Lakes & Midwest Region Only)True ColorsThe session content provided an effective balance between lecture and exercises?*The length of the training was adequate?*The session content provided me with new information or a different way of thinking about the topic based on my previous knowledge?*I can apply what I learned to enhance my performance as an intern?*I felt engaged and involved in the session?*The facilitator led meaningful discussion and maintained my interest?*The facilitator helped me to understand how to apply the information received to my professional success?*The tools used in the virtual sessions (breakouts, annotation tools, polls; chat) were an effective way to get participants involved?*Overall, I was satisfied with the training?*Feedback:Please provide any additional feedback or suggestions. 500 characters or less.